Sunday, June 2, 2013

Alexa's new bike

Since Alexa has gotten so good at riding her bike without training wheels, we decided to get her a new bike since she had gotten too tall for the other one. She went with me to Target and picked out the Disney princess bike. I was thrilled because there happened to be a box marked down $30 because someone had opened it and the store repackaged it. It was a perfectly brand new bike with all the parts so we got a great deal on it. She loves riding this bike and there's even a doll carriage so she was able to take Lucy for a ride. However, as soon as I helped her get the doll in the seat and put its "seatbelt" on, Alexa got very concerned that Lucy didn't have a helmet! I love that my kids are smart about bike safety, but does anyone know where I can buy a helmet for a Cabbage Patch Doll?
She wanted to go for a bike ride after supper last night. It had been raining on and off for most of the day, but we were lucky and didn't get rained on even though there were some dark clouds. Since her brothers were with Daddy, I decided to rollerblade alongside her instead of jogging like I usually do so that I could keep up better and we could go farther. She ended up biking 3 miles and we also stopped at the park to play and also at the pond to check on the baby ducks. All 8 were there and they were excited to see if we had any bread. Once they realized that we did not, they disappointedly got back in the water. Alexa found some daisies, my favorite!

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