Sunday, February 27, 2011


We went swimming today!

Baby Tysen's first time at the pool!

I didn't have a swim diaper small enough for Tysen, so he couldn't get in the water. I sat on the edge of the pool with him so we could watch Alexa and Gavin playing with Daddy. He did get his feet wet and he didn't mind it at all. He seemed to enjoy all the noise and activity in there.

Tysen loves watching and listening to Alexa. Alexa was making his duckie towel "quack" and he thought she was so funny.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Looking adorable in his hat from Grandma Karla

Our whole family came down with a GI bug this weekend that the kids brought home from daycare. Poor Tysen was the first to catch it and then he shared it with the rest of us! In the picture above, Gavin just fell asleep while sitting next to Daddy in the chair after lunch. The kids must have been exhausted because after I carried Gavin up to his bed and came back downstairs, Alexa was asleep on the other chair. She didn't even look comfortable! Her legs were dangling off the seat! Luckily, we were all feeling better by Monday.

Tysen is starting to reach out and grab at toys. He loves the balls because they rattle when he bats at them.

Tysen had his 2 month wellness check-up today. He just loves staring at himself in the mirror. He has also discovered his hands. He doesn't suck his thumb, but he'll suck his whole fist, especially when he's hungry.
Our big guy weighed in at 13 lbs even and measured 23.5 in long! That's the 75th-90th%. Not bad considering he's been sick recently with vomiting and diarrhea.
He received 5 immunizations today! He was a champ- only fussed for a little bit. When the nurse was done with the shots, I nursed him for a bit just to calm him down. Next thing I know, I look down at him and he's got the biggest smile on his face! He's such a happy baby.

Tysen- 9 weeks old

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentine's Day!
Alexa, Gavin, and now Tysen have all worn this little outfit on Valentine's day. It's a size 3 months and it just so happens that all three of my kids have been winter babies so it has fit them during the right season.

Today was a very big day in the Briggs house. Mommy returned to work and all the kids started daycare again. It was a lot of work getting everyone ready and packing their bags. Luckily I allowed plenty of time so that I wasn't late for work. I got to daycare an hour early. Alexa was so excited that she ran to her teacher and gave her hugs and kisses. Then she started handing out her Valentine cards to her friends while they were still eating breakfast. Gavin had the hardest time this morning. He wouldn't let go of my legs and when I finally peeled him off, he dropped to the floor crying hysterically. I couldn't do anything to calm him down so I just had to leave the room. I felt so horrible. Then I took Tysen to his room and introduced him to his new teachers. They were all excited to have him and Tysen was happy and all smiles. When I left, he was looking all around and batting at toys on a play mat. My work day went fairly well. I thought about the kids a lot and missed them like crazy. I had a hard time getting back into the groove of things. It seemed like I had been off work much longer than only 8 weeks. I felt very sluggish and had a hard time keeping up with orders. Plus I had to take a few breaks to pump breast milk. It was a very busy day and I was just overwhelmed by the end. I was glad when 6 o'clock came around and I could go pick up my babies. Then Matthew called and suggested that we go out to eat for Valentine's day. It wasn't very romantic with 3 kiddos in tow...but I was happy that I didn't have to cook or clean-up. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and I'm sure that each day will get easier as we get into a routine.

The kids and I as we are getting ready to leave for work/daycare.

This is Alexa going through her treat bag tonight. She was very excited about all the candy she got!


This is why I was an amazing mom today: I took all three kids to myself! (Or maybe I am just a crazy mom.)
The kids were good during church and I was mostly pleased by their behavior except for when Gavin decided to throw a box of 48 count crayons and they went flying everywhere. Never again will we bring 48 crayons to church- next time they are only allowed to bring 5 crayons! Alexa was quiet during the service and colored in her coloring book. Then she started tearing out the pages and giving them to the woman sitting next to her. I could tell that the woman didn't like children by the way she reacted to Alexa. But Alexa crawled up next to her and started hugging her! Then very loudly, Alexa says, "How bout you come over to my house tonight?" The woman ignored Alexa, but everyone around us heard her and started laughing. We don't know this woman at all and I have no idea why Alexa decided to be so friendly with her. At least she's not shy!
Here are some cute pictures of the kids after church. They were all in really good moods.

It looks like Tysen is punching Alexa in this picture!

Tysen- 8 weeks old

Don't they look so cute in their matching outfits?

Although both Alexa and Gavin love their baby brother, I've been really surprised that it's Gavin that seems the most affectionate and loving towards him. Alexa doesn't pay much attention to Tysen, but Gavin is always trying to hug and kiss him. If I lay Tysen on the floor, it's Gavin that will lay down next to him and cuddle. During my pregnancy, I just assumed that Alexa would be the nurturing one.

I made this bicycle blanket for Gavin for his Valentine's present.

It's the night before Alexa's Valentine party and she's so excited about her little mailbox and all the treats.