Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Pediatrician visit

Gavin had his 5 year check-up this morning. He now weighs 40lbs and is 42in tall (both 50%). They checked his hearing and vision, both normal. He had to give a urine sample for a urinalysis and he thought it was fun to pee in a cup!  He also had to get 5 vaccines ( that's why he's not wearing pants in this picture!) but now he's set for kindergarten in the fall. He's a healthy boy!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Alexa came home from school yesterday with a little surprise! She lost tooth #4!

Bubble Fun

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


The boys had a very successful trip to the dentist today. Since I made the appointments over a week ago, Gavin has been asking about it multiple times daily. He was so excited this morning when he realized we were going. My kids are so silly! I made Bowen's first appointment even though he's younger than most first visits. I figured it wouldn't hurt to try. If he refused to cooperate, I'd just try again in 6 months when the other kids were due again. 

Gavin and Tysen went first so Bowen could watch. 
Bowen was a rock star! He did amazing and is officially their youngest patient that they've been able to do a full exam and cleaning on! I'm a proud mommy. 
All 3 boys had excellent check ups and no cavities!  Alexa goes in for her appointment next week (I didn't want her to miss school) and she's excited to show them that she's lost 3 teeth since her last appointment. It could be 4 teeth by then as she has one barely hanging on!
They all thought Tysen was super lovable :)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sweet Bowen

Look closely and you can see he's wearing one snow boot, because that's how he likes to clomp around the house. 

Grandma Briggs came to visit!

Matthew recently traveled to Las Vegas for a week and we were lucky to have Grandma Briggs come stay with us. 

Grandma is trying to teach Alexa how to make a washcloth. 

We had an unexpected snowstorm! It was perfect timing because Alexa ended up with 3 cancelled school days that week which meant more Grandma and Mommy time!
The kids always love playing outside. It's never too cold for them!

Staying warm and keeping active at World of Bounce.