Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Alexa has some exciting news to share. She wore her big girl underwear all day! It was the first time she wore them to daycare. She did excellent! We are so proud of her. She only had one accident on the way to the bathroom, but her teacher took all the blame for that because she said that Alexa told her that she had to go potty.
The kids also got a fun surprise tonight. We bought them a used wagon to share. They loved it! We brought it in the house and Alexa climbed right in. She wanted to go for a ride. I made a loop around our dining room, but it was too hard to make the tight turns. I tried to explain that we would go for a walk tomorrow, but she refused to get out. Finally I decided that we could just all get our coats and hats on and go for a walk even though it was past their bed times. Gavin thought it was great because he got to watch Alexa since they sit facing each other. He just laughed and laughed. Alexa liked the cup holders for her sippy cup. The wagon also has a tag-along trailer which will be helpful for toting the diaper bag, cooler, or toys when we go on adventures! I think it's adorable.
Just leaving the house for our first evening walk with the wagon.
Gavin is laughing at Alexa.

Alexa wouldn't get out once we got home. I attached the trailer for Elmo.

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