Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Gavin is really starting to look like a big boy now. Since I've been home on maternity leave, I've really been working with him on potty training. He is doing so good! He's been wearing Pull-Ups during the day and keeping them dry. He still hasn't told me that he needs to go, I've just been taking him to the toilet about every 45 minutes and he's really good about going every time. If he goes potty, he gets one M&M as a treat and he thinks that's awesome! He also loves to flush the toilet and wave bye-bye! I really hope that once he starts daycare next week that they will continue working with him so we can keep making progress.

Tysen sneezed just as I took this photo! How cute! Bless you, little one!

I weighed Tysen today and was shocked to see that he weighs nearly 14 lbs!

Getting ready for bed in his snowman pajamas

Alexa likes to ask us to turn on the music so she can dance. It's really cute to watch her and it's good exercise, too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like there having fun.