Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Looking adorable in his hat from Grandma Karla

Our whole family came down with a GI bug this weekend that the kids brought home from daycare. Poor Tysen was the first to catch it and then he shared it with the rest of us! In the picture above, Gavin just fell asleep while sitting next to Daddy in the chair after lunch. The kids must have been exhausted because after I carried Gavin up to his bed and came back downstairs, Alexa was asleep on the other chair. She didn't even look comfortable! Her legs were dangling off the seat! Luckily, we were all feeling better by Monday.

Tysen is starting to reach out and grab at toys. He loves the balls because they rattle when he bats at them.

Tysen had his 2 month wellness check-up today. He just loves staring at himself in the mirror. He has also discovered his hands. He doesn't suck his thumb, but he'll suck his whole fist, especially when he's hungry.
Our big guy weighed in at 13 lbs even and measured 23.5 in long! That's the 75th-90th%. Not bad considering he's been sick recently with vomiting and diarrhea.
He received 5 immunizations today! He was a champ- only fussed for a little bit. When the nurse was done with the shots, I nursed him for a bit just to calm him down. Next thing I know, I look down at him and he's got the biggest smile on his face! He's such a happy baby.

Tysen- 9 weeks old

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