Sunday, February 14, 2010

2/14/2010 Happy Valentine's Day!

Alexa and Gavin wore pink and red to daycare on Friday for their Valentine's Day party.

Gavin is doing great since his ear surgery. He's been much happier.

I was able to leave work a little early on Friday afternoon and as I was leaving the hospital, I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I walked into a hallway full of Valentine's balloons. I asked why there were so many balloons and another staff member explained that the hospital bought them to distribute to the patients and that these were the leftovers. I was told that I could take as many as I wanted. I explained that I was going to daycare to pick up my kids and that they would love them. They said, "Well, if you are going to a daycare, you are going to need a lot of balloons!" They helped me fill my car. Luckily I only had to drive across the street because with all those balloons my visibility was pretty poor and it wouldn't have been safe to get on the highway. I had to recruit a daycare worker to help me get all the balloons inside and then we went room to room giving out balloons to each child. I felt like Santa Claus! It was so much fun seeing the kids' reactions. The balloons really made their day.

Happy Valentine's Day to the special men in my life!

Alexa's Valentine's gifts

She loves her new Elmo movie!

She couldn't wait to eat some of the candy she got at her party. I told her she had to eat the sucker in the bath tub. She thought that was pretty fun!

Being silly

We decided to make some special Valentine's cupcakes today. Alexa loves to help.

Great job, Alexa! She was so proud of the cupcakes. We delivered some to our friends across the street.

Sampling the first cupcake


1 comment:

Lauren said...

Thanks so much Gena and Alexa for the yummy cupcakes! Greg and I really enjoyed them! :)