Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Gavin's surgery to place tubes in both ears went very well today. The surgeon said that there was a lot of fluid and infection behind both eardrums. He suctioned out the mess and rinsed it with an antibiotic solution before putting the tubes in. The whole procedure only took about 8 minutes! Gavin was only away from us for 20 minutes. I couldn't believe how quick it was. The surgeon also said that Gavin won't have any long term hearing problems but at our next check-up, we'll do a hearing test to be sure.
The cutest little patient ever!

There's no way he's going to leave that silly hat on.

Gavin in his cute hospital gown and booties.

The yellow stuff they sprayed in that mask is banana flavor so the babies can breathe that scent in while being put to sleep.

Gavin really liked chewing on the mask!

They gave him medicine to make him drowsy so that he wouldn't have separation anxiety when they took him away from us. First it made him hyper. He was squealing, throwing things, and wanting to run around. Then he yawned and his eyes got droopy. Soon he was having a hard time holding up his head. Then he got goofy. I would give him a kiss and he'd crack up laughing like it was the funniest thing ever. He was so cute.

Trying hard to stay awake

This is in the recovery room. He was the only child in there that wasn't crying. I was so happy to have him in my arms again and thankful that everything went so smoothly. He was very thirsty. The nurse brought him some apple juice in a sippy cup and he finished it in no time. Then he started fussing because he wanted more. They offered him some crackers and he grabbed handfuls and stuffed them in his mouth. He didn't get sick to his stomach, which is common with anesthesia, so we were happy about that.

We are now home (less than 2 hours have passed since we left for the hospital this morning) and Gavin is resting comfortably.

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