This is why I was an amazing mom today: I took all three kids to myself! (Or maybe I am just a crazy mom.)
The kids were good during church and I was mostly pleased by their behavior except for when Gavin decided to throw a box of 48 count crayons and they went flying everywhere. Never again will we bring 48 crayons to church- next time they are only allowed to bring 5 crayons! Alexa was quiet during the service and colored in her coloring book. Then she started tearing out the pages and giving them to the woman sitting next to her. I could tell that the woman didn't like children by the way she reacted to Alexa. But Alexa crawled up next to her and started hugging her! Then very loudly, Alexa says, "How bout you come over to my house tonight?" The woman ignored Alexa, but everyone around us heard her and started laughing. We don't know this woman at all and I have no idea why Alexa decided to be so friendly with her. At least she's not shy!
Here are some cute pictures of the kids after church. They were all in really good moods.
It looks like Tysen is punching Alexa in this picture!
Tysen- 8 weeks old
Don't they look so cute in their matching outfits?
Although both Alexa and Gavin love their baby brother, I've been really surprised that it's Gavin that seems the most affectionate and loving towards him. Alexa doesn't pay much attention to Tysen, but Gavin is always trying to hug and kiss him. If I lay Tysen on the floor, it's Gavin that will lay down next to him and cuddle. During my pregnancy, I just assumed that Alexa would be the nurturing one.
I made this bicycle blanket for Gavin for his Valentine's present.
It's the night before Alexa's Valentine party and she's so excited about her little mailbox and all the treats.