Gavin and I had some special time together yesterday after his speech therapy appointment. Since he was such a good boy, I took him out for an ice cream cone, which he enjoyed very much. Then we went to the swimming pool for about an hour before we had to go pick up Alexa and Tysen from school. Gavin had a blast splashing me with water and getting me all wet.

This little guy has decided that he's taking over his feedings! Not only does he want to hold his own bottle, but he wants to feed himself with his spoon, too! (Or maybe he just wants to chew on it!)
This video captures just a little bit of Gavin and Tysen's love for each other. Tysen just absolutely lights up whenever he sees Gavin and if Gavin is giving him attention, he is all smiles and laughs. The feeling must be mutual because whenever Tysen is within reach, Gavin will always be near him.
Did you notice how fast Tysen can rock his infant car seat? Alexa and Gavin never did that! I now understand why there is a warning on the seat that says never to put it on a table or other high surface!
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