Friday, March 5, 2010


Today after work I took Gavin back to see the ENT. This was a scheduled follow-up appointment since it has been about 4 weeks since he had the tubes put in his ears. We had also planned to have a hearing test done, just to be certain that he hasn't suffered any hearing loss with all the ear infections he's had this year. Unfortunately, they weren't able to do the hearing test because he currently has another ear infection in his right ear. The surgeon took a look and said that the tubes are doing their job, that is why we are seeing the drainage. He used a special suction tool to suck out the mess. Gavin just lay in my arms, didn't even flinch or fuss. When he was done, the surgeon shook his head and said he couldn't believe it. I asked what he was talking about and he said that Gavin is the first child not to cry when he's used that tool, and he's used it on thousands of children! It did make a loud noise, so I can see why most kids would be scared. I was so proud of my little boy! Now the plan is to continue the ear drops and if we are still seeing the drainage on Monday, we are instructed to call him so he can phone in a prescription for an oral antibiotic. Hopefully it clears up soon! Luckily, with this ear infection, Gavin does not seem to be uncomfortable at all and it's because the tubes allow the fluid to drain and prevents the pressure build-up that is so painful.
Yay! We got our wagon out for the first time this year. Alexa and Gavin were so excited (and so was I) because it's been so long since we've been able to do anything outdoors. It was 40 degrees out and the snow is melting. Hooray!

The kids loved the wagon ride as you can see in the short video posted below.

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