Thursday, August 13, 2009


On Thursday night, Matt and I took the kids to a Clipper's baseball game at Huntington Park. The weather was gorgeous and we were lucky to get free tickets through Matt's work. It was fun to visit with Matt's friends and co-workers.

We had lawn seating which turned out to nice for Alexa. She was able to walk around and explore a little without bothering anyone. Gavin was able to stretch out on our blanket although he kept rolling over, reaching for handfuls of grass, and then trying to eat it!

Huntington Park was recently voted America's Best New Ballpark.

When Alexa got restless and fussy, I took her on a little walk. We found a fountain near the entrance of the ballpark and there were nearly 15 toddlers playing in it. We didn't have a bathing suit for her but I let her play in the water anyways. She had a blast! She loves water.

Look how soggy that diaper is getting!

Alexa was having so much fun in the water until she got kicked in the face. I felt so bad for her. She ran to me and I picked her up so of course I got soaked, too. She was only upset for about 20 seconds, then she wanted down so she could go play again.

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