Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Things are very busy at the Briggs house. With two little ones, I don't feel like things ever slow down, not even once they go to bed at night because there is so much to clean up and get ready for the next day. Sometimes I feel like all I do is change diapers! I also feel like I spend a great deal of time at the pediatricians office (not that our kids are sick often, but just all the scheduled baby wellness visits). I was there yesterday with Gavin for his 4 month check-up. He did really well. The doctor commented that he's a perfectly average 4 month old as far as size goes, but developmentally, he's very advanced. He was impressed that Gavin is rolling from back-to-front and then to back again. His head/neck control is great and he's cooing and giggling just like he should be. During his examination, the doctor found some fluid in his ear and decided to treat him with Amoxicillin. Gavin is not a big fan. He also got 5 vaccinations. Alexa was seen last week for her 18 month check-up. I was very proud of her because she didn't even cry when she got 2 shots in her thighs. I talked with her doctor about her biting issue. We've been concerned and frustrated recently because she has been biting other children at daycare on a daily basis. He assured me that this is very common behavior for a child her age. All we can do is be firm, consistent, and redirect her if we feel she is getting ready to bite. Alexa was screened for autism and she passed with flying colors. The biggest lesson that I have learned about doctor visits is "Never schedule back-to-back appointments for both kids trying to save time!" I learned the hard way when I took them both in for Alexa's 15 month and Gavin's 1 month. I remember that Alexa's appointment was first and so I had taken off her clothes so that she could be weighed. Well, Gavin was crying because he was hungry so I was trying to quickly breastfeed him in the room before the doctor came in. Then a nurse opened the door and Alexa saw the perfect opportunity to escape and she started running naked down the hall, laughing the whole way. She even managed to run inside someone's office before I could cover up and catch up with her. I was feeling frazzled and hoping that everyone who witnessed that episode didn't think I was a horrible mother who couldn't control her children.
Alexa's 18 month stats:
weight=27 lbs 5 oz (90%ile) height=32 inches (90%ile) head circumference=49.8 cm (97%ile)

Gavin's 4 month stats:
weight=14 lbs 5oz (50%ile) height=24.75 inches (50%ile) head circumference = 43 cm (95%ile)

1 comment:

Alison said...

I love the 1 month/15 month checkup story! It is so cute and really made me giggle. You're little ones are so adorable and all the love you give them shows in how well they both develop. All the work is worth it, Way to Go Matt and Gena! Good job!