Saturday, December 26, 2015

Alexa is 8

My beautiful girl on her eighth birthday. 
She picked an underwater-themed birthday party and invited her entire Girl Scout troop. 

Her birthday present, a beta fish. She named him Mooney. 

May all your wishes come true, Alexa

Then we went on a Girl Scout night hike at a nearby arboretum. 
The girls all enjoyed this and we learned a lot. 
The night ended with a bonfire and roasting marshmallows. The girls sang "Happy Birthday" to Alexa. 
The next morning, our family ran a 5K race. This was Gavin's first 5K and he did really good. The race was called "When I Grow Up" and kids were encouraged to dress up in costume to show what they want to be as adults. Alexa wants to be a farmer engineer and Gavin wants to be a soccer player. 
The final stretch of the race- almost there!
Gavin was upset that Alexa beat him, but finishing in 35 minutes is pretty impressive for a six year old. 
Alexa ran the whole race in that long lab jacket. She had to remove her safety goggles because they kept fogging up on her. 

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