Friday, September 28, 2012

Busy kids

Alexa is making Halloween decorations. 
I made homemade baby food this morning for Bowen. He LOVES butternut squash!
Gavin and I have been working on the alphabet. He's doing fantastic. He wrote the names above all on his own. I only told him the correct spelling. He wrote Gavin, Tysen, Gavin, 1,2,3,4, Gena,Gabbi, Alexa, and a couple extra G's for practice. I texted this picture to Matt with the caption, "Look! He has better handwriting than Daddy!" It's so true!

Ironman 70.3

Matthew recently competed in another half Ironman in Branson, Missouri. We are so proud of him.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


We had a picnic lunch at the park before they played. It was hard for them to sit still because they kept seeing more playground equipment that they wanted to explore.

Millstone Creek Park

The kids and I checked out another new park. I've been wanting to take them here since it was built, but it was always so crowded or too hot outside (no shade). Since I have to keep track of 3 very active kids and carry the baby, I get nervous taking the kids out by myself; I'm afraid that I will lose track of them. Today, however, was perfect because we practically had the huge playground to ourselves. It's nice now that schools back in session. Also it was cool and sunny- I love fall!
Here are several pictures from our adventure:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Alexa and Gavin enjoyed the gymnastics camp so much last month that I signed them up for weekly classes this fall and winter. They are doing wonderful! The first day, Gavin was a little shy, but today he had a blast and was following instructions to a "T!"
The whole crew

Monday, September 17, 2012

Trains at Easton

I had to take the kids with me to the Apple store because I have been having battery issues (again). My kids actually love going to the Apple store because they have a kids table in back with iPads for the children to play with. The iPads have different children's apps installed than ours at home so the kids think it's awesome to play new games. They were so good in there that I told them that we would walk down to see the trains once we were done. They love looking at the train display and I enjoy seeing the new changes from time to time. Today we noticed that they have added an OSU train!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day out with Thomas

We did something really awesome on Sunday morning. We took the kids for a train ride on the one and only Thomas the Tank Engine! The kids were excited to dress up like little train conductors.
Our family picture in front of Thomas before our ride.

Waiting at the train station
Our four adorable little train conductors!

Tysen didn't really love wearing his hat!

All Aboard!!!

Gavin was so sweet to help the juggler when he dropped one of his pins.
He got a high five for helping.
There's Thomas!

The kids had their own tickets ready so they could board the train all by themselves.

Daddy holding both of the little boys. They both fell asleep on his lap during the 30 minute train ride.
Alexa is looking out the window.
Gavin fell asleep on the train ride, too! Must have been relaxing.