Thursday, September 16, 2010

9/12/2010 Cedar Point Amusement Park

On Sunday, we spent the day at Cedar Point Amusement Park while Matthew was competing in his triathlon. Our friends Travis, Kara, and Emme came along to support Matthew as well as help me with the kids. I am so grateful for all of their help! It's not easy chasing 2 toddlers around an amusement park all day! Not to mention that since I am pregnant, I wasn't allowed to ride anything except the carousel. Luckily my kids were able to ride with Travis and Kara and we all had a busy, wonderful, fun-filled day.
Gavin just looked so adorable in his little bed at the hotel.

Daddy's race has begun and we are just hanging out on the beach watching the swimmers. Alexa and Emme had fun playing in the sand and water. They got really dirty. Alexa even found a dead, rotten fish that had washed ashore and she picked it up and brought it to show me. Gross!

The kids were looking cute in their sunglasses.

Alexa and Gavin loved every ride. Emme wasn't too sure about the rides at first, but once she saw Alexa and Gavin do it, she rode the next one and loved it!

Travis, Kara, and Emme
What a beautiful family!

Alexa loves the horses on the carousel.

Does he look happy or what?

Airplane ride

The bumper boat ride

There was a splash fountain area for the kids. They had a blast even though the water was really cold. They were so funny running around and dancing that a small crowd gathered just to watch them play. I got a kick out of watching them all cracking up!

Gavin liked to step on the water as it shot out.

He's so cold but doesn't want to stop!

Now they are warming up.

He's looking sleepy. We really wore the kids out!

They've only met each other twice, but they are already best buddies.

Walking through the park holding hands

Camp Snoopy!

I bought the kids tee-shirts that say "My Daddy's a Triathlete." It's a good thing that I waited until just before Matthew finished to put them on because they wouldn't have been white otherwise!

Train ride

Submarine ride

Alexa's looking cute in her tee-shirt supporting Daddy.

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