Sunday, May 9, 2010

5/08/2010 Alexa and Gavin's First Camping Trip

Daddy rode his bike 113 miles today for TOSRV (Tour of the Scioto River Valley)! He started in Columbus and rode to Portsmouth where we met him.
(Alexa is wearing Daddy's biking sunglasses!)

Alexa and Gavin playing on the playground while Daddy got a massage.

Alexa is helping Daddy put up our tent. Those tents in the background are bikers, too.

It was so windy that Alexa had to sit on our tarp to keep it from blowing away.

Finally, shelter!

The kids think our tent is pretty cool. They like looking out the window.

Alexa's giving her brother a kiss. She loves him so much!

Alexa was excited to hold our flashlight on the way back to the tent after supper.

It was a very chilly night. Alexa was the first asleep and she slept soundly all night. Gavin had a hard time getting to sleep. Although he was extremely tired, he just kept crying and wouldn't lay down. I think he was trying to say, "Take me to my crib!"

This was just too cute.

Donuts for breakfast!

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