Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Erika loves blueberries 

I can't keep socks on this little girl! She puts her feet to her mouth, bites her sock, and then pulls the sock off her foot using her teeth. She's so silly. 


We love spring!

This is Erika's first wagon ride. She loves it! She must feel like such a big girl. 

Smiles the whole time

The older four kids got out to explore the pond's edge for frogs. 

Gavin's first lost tooth

He is so excited. He said that his friends will notice how different he looks at school. The tooth fairy left him $3 under his pillow. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Erika is wearing an outfit of Alexa's that I saved all these years. Time flies!
Erika is exploring everything and crawling everywhere!
She loves water and splashing. 
My Girl Scout troop proudly showing off the flower pots they decorated and flowers they helped to plant. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

My little artists

The kids spent the afternoon painting on our front porch. 

Alexa worked hard on her drawing of her stuffed toy unicorns. 

Next up... Bath time!

Spring Pictures

Alexa 7 years
Gavin 6 years
Tysen 4 years
Bowen 3 years
Erika 10 months

Such a sweet picture!
Love my matching girls!

The Easter Bunny came!

Gavin mentioned that everyone must know that he loves Pokemon cards...."Santa knew and apparently so did the Easter Bunny!"