Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter 2014

The kids got gardening tools in their Easter baskets and they thought they should wear their new gloves for the egg hunt!

Bowen was just happy to be outside. He didn't really feel like looking for eggs. 

Each kids had 10 eggs to find in their specific color. That way we were able to hide Alexa's much harder than Tysen's. 
Then they enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and played with some of their new Easter goodies while our Easter feast was cooking. 

We almost forgot about dying our eggs! We did it later that night after baths before bedtime. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

Nice weekend

Finally warm enough for shorts and dresses! 
Boys needed haircuts

Now they will be extra handsome for Easter. 
They love haircuts because of the lollipops. 

Then we all went to the movies and saw Rio 2!
After church on Sunday, we stopped by our grocery store for a quick Easter Bunny visit and egg scavenger hunt. 
Bowen did much better with the bunny than he did with Santa Claus. 

Neighborhood walk and then fun at the park

Thursday, April 10, 2014