Today was a milestone for Mommy! It was the first time that I took all 4 kids out in public on my own. I'm not going to lie, it wasn't easy! My goal was to leave the house at 9:30am for the zoo. We didn't actually leave until 10:03am. It was so hard trying to remember everything that I might need. Four little jackets, four hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, diapers, wipes, snacks, zoo membership, camera........

It was a beautiful morning and it was so worth it to get out of the house! The kids were really well behaved. With the two little boys in the double stroller, I only had to keep track of Alexa and Gavin. I was able to push the stroller with one hand and hold Gavin's hand with my other. Then Alexa held Gavin's other hand and we slowly made our way around the zoo. It was nice to get some exercise, too.

Baby Bowen was an angel again and slept through the whole outing! He's spoiling me! I find that if I nurse him right before we leave the house, he'll fall asleep in the car seat and then sleep soundly for at least 3 hours. I'm so lucky!

That is Hank in the background, the zoo's newest elephant.

The little elephant on the right is the zoo's last baby that was born. His name is Beco and he's 3 years old. My kids didn't understand that a baby elephant would be so big! They were expecting an elephant that they could hold!


We met up with my neighbor and good friend, Lauren and her sweet little boys. The kids had so much fun and it was great for me to have an adult to talk to (and also an extra set of eyes to help watch the kids!).


Gavin liked his teeth!

Lauren and I thought it would be fun for the kids to play on the zoo's playground. They had a blast and got some wonderful exercise climbing, however the playground was full of kids and Mommy had a hard time keeping track of everyone. That was pretty stressful and I'm glad that I didn't loose anyone!

There was even an area for younger tots. At first Tysen didn't want to play, but then he finally warmed up and had some fun.

He made a little friend in the tunnel.

Lauren waited with Baby Bowen and I took the older three on the carousel. Alexa and Gavin were so excited! They love, love, love the carousel! It was Tysen's first time and he was quite nervous.

Alexa loves horses.

Once the carousel started moving, Tysen decided that he liked it.

On Friday night after supper, we took a family walk and then had movie night. Life is good!