Alexa had a doctor's appointment today so we took her brothers to daycare and we had a girls day. First she went with me to my OB appointment. She was excited to hear the baby's heartbeat with the "microphone" (Doppler). Then we did some shopping, went out for lunch, and then went to her appointment. Alexa has her first wart on her thumb. I wanted her pediatrician to remove it because it has been causing Alexa some distress- she thinks that it is a dead bug that won't come off! Also, I didn't think that I could treat it since part of it appears to be underneath her fingernail. She did great during the treatment. Hopefully this will take care of it. If not, we'll make another appointment in about 2 weeks to have it repeated.
It was such a beautiful day that when we got home, Alexa asked if we could eat our snack outside. I thought that was a great idea. I started making a fruit salad for us to enjoy. I was grabbing all the fresh fruit out of the refrigerator. I added strawberries, blackberries, pineapple, and bananas. Alexa was watching me and said, "Mommy, you forgot the tomatoes!" I was about to tell her that tomatoes wouldn't be good in a fruit salad, but then thought about it and decided that if she wanted tomatoes in her fruit, then why not? They are so good for her and she loved it! She gobbled it all up.

Tysen's first corn on the cob experience!

We are loving this beautiful weather!

Gavin and Alexa love riding their bikes.

37 weeks!
At my last doctor's appointment, I was 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Basically that means that my body is preparing for labor and that it could be soon, however this happened with the other 3 pregnancies and I did not go into labor early. We're getting close though!