We just got home from Christmas Eve Mass. I couldn't believe how packed and crowded the church was. Luckily, the ushers took pity on the pregnant mom and brought us some chairs. We still had to sit in the greeting area and watch the mass on a television, but at least we were somewhat comfortable.

So sweet!

We had Chinese take-out after church. It's one of Matt's favorite Christmas traditions!

Messy after Chinese food, but still super cute!

A Christmas Eve tradition at the Briggs house: the kids get to open one present from Mommy and Daddy. They always get a new pair of holiday pajamas to wear that night so that they look adorable for Christmas morning and all the pictures we take during present opening.

Tysen just wouldn't sit still so long. He's too busy!

Alexa and Gavin are fascinated with another Christmas movie, Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Alexa, Gavin, and Tysen opening their first Christmas gift