Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Alexa's new toys

Who keeps taking Alexa's shoes off?

Wow! What a bargain! Mommy found this Baby Einstein
exersaucer at a garage sale for only $2.00.

zoom zoom

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy (1st) Father's Day, Daddy!

Daddy did the Wendy's Triathlon on Father's Day.
Doesn't he know he's suppost to be lazy and take naps?

Alexa and Mommy came to cheer for Daddy.

Good luck, Daddy!

Such a beautiful morning

Here come the swimmers!

Yay! Run, Daddy, Run!

Alexa liked watching all the bikes go by.

We're proud of you!

Someday we'll do triathlons together!

Thursday, June 5, 2008